
Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG

WandelPur LLC
EIN Steuernummer: 92-1643513
2880 W Oakland Park Blvd, Suite 225C
FL 33311 Oakland Park
Florida, USA

Vertreten durch:

Tobias Steinhäuser


Telefon: +49 176 45 788 548
E-Mail: ed.re1729566506sueah1729566506niets1729566506saibo1729566506t@tka1729566506tnok1729566506

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt nach § 55 Abs. 2 RStV

WandelPur LLC, Suite 225C, 2880 W Oakland Park Blvd, FL 33311 Oakland Park

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Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG

Tobias Steinhäuser (Fachberater für holistische Gesundheit & B.Eng.)

Badergasse 10
97236 Randersacker
Deutschland, Bayern

Nach § 27a des Umsatzsteuergesetzes
USt-IdNr. DE335334088






Tobias Steinhäuser

Badergasse 10

97236 Randersacker

Deutschland, Bayern


E-Mail-Adresse: ed.re1729566506sueah1729566506niets1729566506saibo1729566506t@tka1729566506tnok1729566506


Audiovisuelle Mediendienste

Sitzland: Deutschland

Zuständige Regulierungs-, bzw. Aufsichtsbehörde: Bayerische Landeszentrale für neue Medien (BLM),

Angaben zum Unternehmen

Umsatzsteuer Identifikationsnummer (USt-ID): DE335334088

Online-Streitbeilegung (OS)

Online-Streitbeilegung: Die Europäische Kommission stellt eine Plattform zur Online-Streitbeilegung (OS) bereit, die Sie unter finden. Verbraucher haben die Möglichkeit, diese Plattform für die Beilegung ihrer Streitigkeiten zu nutzen.

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Rechtstext von Dr. Schwenke - für weitere Informationen bitte anklicken.

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§ 5 TMG

Tobias Steinhäuser

Badergasse 10

97236 Randersacker

E-Mail: ed.re1729566506sueah1729566506niets1729566506saibo1729566506t@tka1729566506tnok1729566506

Privacy Statement

Your personal data (e.g. title, name, house address, e-mail address, phone number, bank details, credit card number) are processed by us only in accordance with the provisions of German data privacy laws. The following provisions describe the type, scope and purpose of collecting, processing and utilizing personal data. This data privacy policy applies only to our web pages. If links on our pages route you to other pages, please inquire there about how your data are handled in such cases.

Inventory data

(1) Your personal data, insofar as these are necessary for this contractual relationship (inventory data) in terms of its establishment, organization of content and modifications, are used exclusively for fulfilling the contract. For goods to be delivered, for instance, your name and address must be relayed to the supplier of the goods.
(2) Without your explicit consent or a legal basis, your personal data are not passed on to third parties outside the scope of fulfilling this contract. After completion of the contract, your data are blocked against further use. After expiry of deadlines as per tax-related and commercial regulations, these data are deleted unless you have expressly consented to their further use.

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Annex 1 to Article 246 § 2 Section 3 Clause 1 of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EGBGB)

Notice of revocation rights
Revocation rights
You can revoke your contractual statement within [14 days] (1) without indicating reasons in text form (e.g. letter, fax, e-mail) [or – if the item is delivered to you before expiry of the time limit – also by returning the item ] (2). The deadline takes effect on receipt of this notice in text form (3). Timely dispatch of revocation [or the item] is sufficient to observe the revocation deadline. Revocations are to be submitted to: (4)

Revocation consequences (5)
In the event of a valid revocation, the performance delivered by either party is to be returned and the proceeds of any utilization (e.g. interest) submitted. (6) If you cannot submit / return the received performance and benefits (e.g. utilization benefits) to us, or submit / return them only partially or in a deteriorated condition, you need to compensate us to the required extent. (7) [You must pay compensation for degraded items only insofar as the deterioration is due to handling of the items beyond testing of properties and functionality. (8) „Testing of properties and functionality“ is to be understood as testing and evaluation of the respective goods as is possible and common in retail shops, for instance. (9) Items which can be dispatched in packages are to be returned at our [expense and] (10) risk. Items which cannot be dispatched in packages will be fetched from your premises.] (2) Payment obligations must be fulfilled within 30 days. The time limit becomes effective on dispatch of your revocation notice [or the item] (2) for you, and on its receipt for us.

Special notes

(Location), (date) (consumer’s signature) (14)

Notes on composition
(1) If the revocation notice is provided not by contract conclusion at the latest, but only afterward, the supplement in brackets must read „one month“. In this case, composition note 9 also applies if the reference provided there is not issued in text form by contract conclusion at the latest. In the case of contracts on distance sales, a revocation notice issued in text form immediately after contract conclusion is equivalent to one issued on contract conclusion if the entrepreneur has informed the consumer as per Article 246 § 1 Section 1 Number 10 EGBGB.

(2) The supplement in brackets does not apply to performances not involving provision of items.

(3) In any of the special cases mentioned next, the following must be inserted:

a) In the case of contracts to be concluded in writing: „, but not before a contractual document, or your written request, or a duplicate of either of these has also been made available to you“;

(b) In the case of distance sales contracts (§ 312b Section 1 Clause 1 of the German Civil Code (BGB)) concerning:

aa) Delivery of goods: „, but not before receipt of the goods by the recipient (not before receipt of the first partial delivery in the case of recurrent supply of similar goods), nor before fulfilment of our information obligations as per Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 Sections 1 and 2 EGBGB“;

bb) Provision of services other than payment services: „, but not before contract conclusion, nor before fulfilment of our information obligations as per Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 Sections 1 and 2 EGBGB“;

cc) Provision of payment services:

aaa) In the case of framework agreements on payment services: „, but not before contract conclusion, nor before fulfilment of our information obligations as per Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 Section 1 Numbers 8 to 12, Section 2 Numbers 2, 4 and 8, as well as Article 248 § 4 Section 1 EGBGB“;

bbb) In the case of instruments for small amounts in the sense of § 675i Section 1 BGB: „, but not before contract conclusion, nor before fulfilment of our information obligations as per Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with Section 1 Numbers 8 to 12, Section 2 Numbers 2, 4 and 8, as well as Article 248 § 11 Section 1 EGBGB“;

ccc) In the case of single payment contracts: „, but not before contract conclusion, nor before fulfilment of our information obligations as per Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 Section 1 Numbers 8 to 12, Section 2 Numbers 2, 4 and 8 as well as Article 248 § 13, Sec. 1 EGBGB“;

(c) In the case of contracts forming part of e-commerce (§ 312g Section 1 Clause 1 BGB): „, but not before fulfilment of our obligations as per § 312g Section 1 Clause 1 BGB in conjunction with Article 246 § 3 EGBGB“;

(d) In the case of trial purchases (§ 454 BGB): „; but not before the sales contract has become binding through your endorsement of the purchased item“;

If notice is served for a contract falling under several of the special cases mentioned above (for example, a distance sales contract for the supply of goods in e-commerce), the respective supplements must be combined (in this example, as follows: „; but not before receipt of the goods by the recipient [not before receipt of the first partial delivery in the case of recurrent supply of similar goods], nor before fulfilment of our information obligations as per Article 246 § 2 in conjunction with § 1 Sections 1 and 2 EGBGB, as well as our obligations as per § 312g Section 1 Clause 1 BGB in conjunction with Article 246 § 3 EGBGB“). If supplements to be combined are linguistically identical, their wording need not be repeated.

(4) Insert: Name/company and summonable address of the revocation’s intended recipient.

Also specifiable: Fax number, e-mail address and/or Internet address if the consumer receives confirmation of their revocation statement to the entrepreneur.

(5) This section may be omitted if the mutual performances are rendered only after expiry of the revocation deadline. The same applies if a reversal does not come into consideration (e.g. collection of a guarantee).

(6) If a fee for toleration of overdraft within the meaning of section § 505 BGB has been agreed, the following must be inserted here:

„If you overdraw your account without having been granted related approval, or exceed the overdraft scope granted to you, we may not demand any compensation of costs or interest from you beyond repayment of the overdraft or excess amount, if we have not informed you duly about the conditions and consequences of the overdraft or transgression (e.g. applicable interest on debt, costs).“

(7) In the case of distance sales contracts for services, the following sentence must be added:

„This may oblige you to nonetheless fulfil the contractual payment obligations for the period up to revocation.“

(8) In the case of distance sales contracts for the supply of goods, the previously added sentence must be replaced by the following sentence: „You must pay compensation for degraded items and derived benefits only insofar as the benefits or deteriorations are due to handling of the items beyond testing of properties and functionality.“

(9) If a reference concerning the obligation to compensate lost value as per § 357 Section 3 Clause 1 BGB is not issued in text form by contract conclusion at the latest, the two preceding sentences must be replaced by the following supplement: „You need not pay any compensation for deterioration caused by usage of the item for the intended purposes.“ In the case of distance sales contracts, a note provided in text form immediately after contract conclusion is equivalent to a note provided on contract conclusion, if the entrepreneur has informed the consumer in time, prior to issue of their contractual declaration, about the obligation for compensation of lost value in a manner appropriate for the employed means of telecommunication .

In the case of distance sales contracts for the supply of goods, the following must be added:

„You must pay compensation for derived benefits only insofar as you have used the goods in a manner that goes beyond testing of properties and functionality. „Testing of properties and functionality“ is to be understood as testing and evaluation of the respective goods as is possible and common in retail shops, for instance.

(10) If the consumer has agreed to bear shipping costs according to § 357 Section 2 Clause 3 BGB, the addition in brackets can be omitted. Instead, the following must be inserted after „to be returned at our [expense and] (10) risk.“

„You have to bear the regular costs of return if the delivered goods correspond to the order, and if the price of the goods to be returned does not exceed 40 EUR or, in case of a higher item price, if you had provided no consideration or contractually agreed partial payment at the time of revocation. Otherwise the return is free of charge for you.“

(11) In the case of revocation rights as per § 312d, Section 1 BGB, applicable to distance sales contracts for provision of services, the following reference must be included:

„Your revocation right expires prematurely if the contract has been completely fulfilled by both parties at your explicit request before you exercise your revocation right.“

(12) The following note for financed transactions can be omitted if there is no associated deal:

„If you finance this contract through a loan and revoke it later, you are no longer bound to the loan contract either, if both contracts form a single economic unit. This can be assumed, in particular, if we are your lender or if your lender is enabling the financing with the help of our cooperation. If the loan has already been received by us once the revocation takes effect or the goods are returned, your lender, as concerns the legal consequences of the revocation or return in relation to you, assumes our rights and obligations arising from the financed contract. The latter does not apply if the present contract’s object is the purchase of financial instruments (e.g. securities, foreign exchange or derivatives).

If you want to avoid contractual binding as far as possible, make use of your right of revocation, and also revoke the loan contract if you have this additional right to withdrawal.“

In the case of financed acquisition of a plot of land or an equivalent right, Sentence 2 of the afore-mentioned note must be changed as follows:

„This is to be assumed only if the parties to both contracts are identical or, if in addition to providing loans, the lender promotes your real-estate transaction through interaction with the seller by wholly or partly taking over their sales interests, or their functions in planning, advertising or project implementation, or by unilaterally favouring the seller.“

(13) The following note for distance sales contracts for financial services can be omitted in an absence of any additional distance sales contract for services:

„On revocation of this distance sales contract for financial services, you are also no longer bound to any additional distance sales contract, if this contract’s object is a further service provided by us or a third party on the basis of an agreement between us and the third party.“

(14) The location, date and signature strip can be omitted. In this case, these details must be replaced either by the words „End of revocation notice“ or by the words „Your (insert: entrepreneur’s company)“.[:]